Return to Child Simplicity

The dreaded and most often asked question for a teenager is: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Well, when you were let’s say in kindergarten, this was a simple question with only a few possible answers, like a teacher, a singer, a dancer, a doctor, a princess, etc. Nevertheless, as high school continues to slip through your fingers, and college looms ahead, this once lighthearted question now seems loaded down with possibilities. The problem today is that we are expected to be these dynamic women by balancing our lives between family, friends, and school, while remaining sane at the same time. Making a decision of what college to attend and what major to study seem to set limitations on the rest of your life.

The number of choice schools along with pressure from your parents and fellow classmates can cause problems as well. Narrowing down to one college out of over thousands in the United States alone is overwhelming enough to make any girl cry like she was back at age five. You have to start thinking about what career path seems right to you, what will you want to do day in and day out for the rest of your life? At school, what is the only class that doesn’t make you write lyrics in your margins to stop you from falling asleep? Much to your chagrin, you are probably interested in two opposite careers, i.e. music and medicine, making the career leap of faith more appealing with eyes closed. Pinpoint your passions, get involved in inspiring projects, and perhaps connect with your inner-five year old. The next time someone asks “What do you want to be when you grow up?” smile and say, “Whatever I want to be when the time comes.”